Submit Your Testimony

Are you a Palestinian in the diaspora who has been forced or compelled to censor your identity in an academic or professional setting?

Have you been targeted, pressured, or threatened with consequences on account of your Palestinian background?

Have you had to delete, alter, or consider hiding your digital footprint out of concern for the way colleagues or superiors may perceive it?

Do you feel hesitant or unsafe when sharing your Palestinian heritage in the workplace or at school?

Has your identity as a Palestinian cost you career advancement opportunities?

Have you been advised to tone down or condemn expressions of Palestinian culture or advocacy?

We want to know

If you said yes to any of these questions, you are not alone.

This is a shared experience among Palestinians living in the diaspora that is largely unreported and underexplored. We want to hear your story.

Submission Instructions

We encourage testimonies between 400 and 600 words.

Testimonies should adequately address the reason(s) for self-censorship and any consequences or ramifications.

Submissions must be original work.

Authors may submit multiple testimonies as long as they address different instances of self-censorship.

Submissions should be emailed to


For the purposes of credibility and transparency, we require submissions to include full names and geographic location (state or country).

However, we recognize the risks associated with sharing personal accounts of self-censorship.

Authors may request that publication of their testimony be anonymized. In this circumstance, names and potential identifiers will be removed from the final publication. Only location (state or country) will be included.


Each submission will be published to the archive as an individual post with its own unique link. Please maintain this link for your records.